private estates & mansions
food & beverage


The PURE Philosophy of Atoll Estates encompasses four pillars: Produce, Upcycle, Reduce, and Educate. Each pillar represents our company's commitment to sustainability and responsible practices.

Produce: focuses on clean, renewable energy production and cultivating fresh produce. We aim to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and generate sustainable energy. Additionally, we prioritize growing our own healthy food, promoting self-sufficiency, and reducing environmental impact.

Upcycle: emphasizes treating waste as a valuable resource. We strive to repurpose waste rather than send it to landfills, contributing to a circular economy. We can minimize waste and environmental degradation by transforming waste into new products.

Reduce: is dedicated to waste reduction in all areas, including water, energy, and resources. We implement efficient building designs, water conservation measures, and sustainable practices to minimize waste generation. Our goal is to continually find innovative solutions to reduce our carbon footprint.

Educate: this is crucial for raising awareness and empowering stakeholders. We focus on educating guests and staff about sustainability through various mediums such as publications, videos, podcasts, and workshops. The PURE Gallery showcases artists who utilize upcycled materials, while the PURE Studio offers a space for guests and local communities to learn alongside renowned artists. Furthermore, Atoll Estates supports vocational courses for local youth through a Hotel School partnership.

In summary, the PURE Philosophy drives Atoll Estates' commitment to sustainability. Through the pillars of Produce, Upcycle, Reduce, and Educate, we aim to promote clean energy, waste repurposing, waste reduction, and environmental education. These initiatives contribute to a more sustainable future and inspire responsible practices among stakeholders.


Zamani Islands will be reclaimed in a shallow lagoon and, upon completion, will be 70 hectares with 8 separate islands. The highest priority is given to the marine environment while embarking on this project. It is unavoidable that corals and fish habitats will be adversely affected during the reclamation of the islands. To minimize this impact, the reclamation will be done with deep sea sand, and a much more expensive manner of dredging and reclamation, by a Trailer Suction Hopper Dredger (TSHD), will be employed. This will substantially reduce the time taken for reclamation (as compared to other methods of reclamation) and therefore reduce the time of adverse impact considerably. Other forms of dredging which include taking sand from the lagoon also affects the areas where reclamation is not done and therefore increases the total affected area.

A sediment plume modeling has been undertaken both for the lagoon to be reclaimed, as well as the area from where sand for the reclamation will be taken from. Adequate measures are planned to reduce the effect of sediment deposition from dredging and reclamation but are not limited to factors like carefully considering the weather and currents during the period of reclamation and coral spawning period and avoiding periods that may have an adverse effect on the corals or marine ecosystems, as possible.

The development team on Zamani Islands, working in conjunction with marine engineers and consultants, is also designing bunding and sediment screening to further minimize sediment plume travel. Additionally, the development team works closely with the shortlisted Reclamation Contractor to ensure that they adhere to sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. These measures are a testament to the developers’ commitment to sustainable and responsible development practices, ensuring that the impact on the marine environment is kept to a minimum.


Zamani Islands has been designed to have 100% of its energy needs met by Renewable sources of energy. This is the first and only such resort development at this scale where this has been made possible and is backed by a robust proof of concept, made possible by bringing several proven and in-practice technologies together. For example, the design of the buildings integrates Photovoltaic Cells (BIPV). By harnessing the abundant solar energy at the location, the solar farms and the buildings shall generate more than 3 times the energy required by the development annually. This excess energy is stored in traditional lithium-ion batteries, and a large part is used to generate hydrogen from the abundant seawater, which in turn is stored as metal hydrides to be later extracted as hydrogen for energy when direct solar power is not available. This system allows the development to run on 100% clean energy with zero dependency on fossil fuels, continuously.

It was important to have the requisite scale for this project so the energy production consideration was technically and economically feasible. The selection of the location for the development of Zamani Islands was led by this prerequisite. It is to be noted that a project of such scale if run on traditional sources of energy, (and as used in the Maldives or other such off-grid locations) will burn an estimated 35,000 liters of diesel per day to meet its energy requirements. The burning of this volume of diesel equates to 94 tonnes of CO2 released into the atmosphere, which equates to a staggering 34.5 thousand tonnes of CO2 per annum. By adopting and investing in 100% clean energy solutions, Zamani Islands will avoid this amount of CO2 being released into the atmosphere per year, for years to come.


Zamani Islands recognizes the importance of preserving and protecting coral growth in the marine ecosystem. We have developed a Coral Transplant program to relocate coral blocks prior to the start of the reclamation process. The program involves engaging volunteers, the local community, and third-party for the delicate task of transplanting and monitoring the corals. By prioritizing the preservation of coral growth, Zamani Islands demonstrates its commitment to the marine environment.

After the construction phase, a Coral Propagation Program will be implemented, with 70 hectares of the development site allocated for this purpose. The program will be fully funded by the developers and aims to collect small fragments of healthy coral. These fragments will be attached to artificial structures and placed in the ocean to grow and multiply over time. The propagation of coral colonies contributes to reef regeneration and enhances carbon sequestration, as coral reefs serve as important carbon sinks.

Restoring and protecting coral reefs not only benefit the marine ecosystem but also have significant economic advantages. Coral reefs provide a habitat for diverse marine species, supporting fishing activities for local consumption and exports. By investing in coral propagation, Zamani Islands contributes to the restoration of coral reefs, thus safeguarding the livelihoods of local communities and promoting sustainable economic development.

In summary, Zamani Island's Coral Transplant and Propagation programs reflect our dedication to preserving coral growth and fostering the regeneration of coral reefs. Through collaboration with volunteers and community involvement, we ensure the careful relocation and monitoring of corals. By restoring and protecting coral reefs, Zamani Islands contributes to the overall health of the marine ecosystem and supports the socio-economic well-being of the local community.
Zamani Island's architecture and design prioritize high luxury, energy efficiency, waste reduction, occupant comfort, and accessibility. The focus is on creating a healthy and safe living environment that seamlessly connects with nature. The buildings feature carbon-smart materials and integrated solar panels for energy efficiency without compromising aesthetics.

The use of sustainable materials such as reclaimed timber, bamboo, and recycled aluminum throughout the development reduces the project's carbon footprint. The design also incorporates biophilic elements like green spaces, natural light, and ventilation systems, promoting well-being and reducing energy consumption.

Digital Twinning technology enables the simulation of design scenarios and optimization of building performance before construction, reducing the need for physical modifications. This technology also allows ongoing monitoring of building performance to identify areas for further energy reduction and improve occupant comfort.

The cultural connection to the Maldives is valued in the design, with local artwork and craftwork integrated into the project to preserve and promote the local heritage. The resort aims to create a sense of place and belonging for both visitors and locals.

Accessibility is prioritized, ensuring the resort is usable by individuals of all abilities. Universal design principles are implemented, considering factors like lighting and acoustics to create a comfortable and safe environment for people with sensory sensitivities.

In summary, Zamani Island's architecture and design embody principles of luxury, energy efficiency, waste reduction, occupant comfort, cultural connection, and accessibility. By integrating biophilic design, sustainable materials, and innovative technologies like Digital Twinning, the project creates a sustainable and culturally respectful environment for all occupants and visitors.
Zamani Islands is committed to self-dependency and reducing its carbon footprint by cultivating fresh food on-site, minimizing the need for imports. Through organic produce cultivation on its land, the project aims to provide high-quality fruits and vegetables for staff and guests while reducing carbon emissions associated with importing fresh produce.

Indigenous and tropical fruit trees are integrated into the project's landscaping plan, adding natural beauty and ensuring a consistent supply of seasonal fruits. On-site cultivation guarantees produce free from harmful chemicals, promoting healthier consumption.

Zamani Islands employs indoor and outdoor vertical farming with hydroponics for leafy greens and various vegetables. This resource-efficient approach uses stacked layers and a nutrient-rich solution instead of soil, resulting in a significant yield of fresh produce with minimal water usage.

The project extensively utilizes Agri-photovoltaics, cultivating plants under solar panels. This dual-use approach optimizes land by combining agriculture and electricity generation. The shade the solar panels provides reduces water consumption, while clean energy is generated simultaneously. This sustainable farming method maximizes resource utilization in an environmentally friendly manner.

By integrating fruit trees, vertical farming with hydroponics, and Agri-photovoltaics, Zamani Islands significantly reduces the carbon footprint associated with food production and transportation. Additionally, on-site cultivation decreases plastic and packaging waste generated from imported produce. This approach aligns with circular economy principles, emphasizing resource efficiency and value maximization.

Zamani Island's focus on self-dependency through organic produce cultivation not only contributes to sustainability but also promotes health and well-being. By providing a sustainable source of fresh, high-quality produce, the project enhances the overall experience for staff and guests while minimizing the environmental impact.
Zamani Islands is dedicated to achieving a circular economy of waste by effectively managing all organic and inorganic waste. The project understands the importance of responsible waste management and aims to create a closed-loop system where waste is considered a valuable resource.

To minimize waste at the source, the project focuses on responsible packaging practices and the use of reusable and recyclable materials. The remaining waste undergoes advanced waste management technologies such as composting, anaerobic digestion, and recycling. Organic waste is composted to produce nutrient-rich soil amendments for landscaping and agriculture.

Inorganic waste, including plastics, paper, glass, and metal, is sorted and recycled whenever possible. Non-recyclable waste is processed through waste-to-energy methods and other innovative techniques. The project places a strong emphasis on upcycling waste materials. For example, glass is recycled on-site, and excess glassware is produced and sold within the resort. Unrecyclable glass is repurposed as sand for pathways, with careful consideration to prevent contamination of the beach sand.

Metals are upcycled or recycled to create artwork, showpieces, and furniture that can be used within the development or sold. Waste plastics are transformed into 3D printer filaments and used to manufacture various products. Paper and cardboard waste are repurposed to create guest stationery and other items.

This approach not only promotes environmental sustainability but also offers potential revenue streams. The upcycled waste materials, created in collaboration with local and international artists, result in unique and desirable products. On-site recycling reduces the carbon footprint associated with waste transportation, further enhancing sustainability efforts. Zamani Islands strives to establish a circular economy of waste where waste is considered a valuable resource, maximizing its value and minimizing environmental impact. The project also aims to extend its waste management initiatives to neighboring island communities and other resorts, fostering sustainability across the region.